Director Desk

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As the Head of the School, my message to both staff & students is simple and clear that may all our studies, our duties, our commitments, our words, and actions be geared towards touching hearts & changing lives.

The fast evolving and new emerging society now looks for responsible citizens with local and global perspectives in respect to our valuable diversity. It has been our effort to fill the gap and create a curriculum that will turn our students into a holistic human beings who are emotionally stable, intellectually vibrant, spiritually enlightened and socially committed. We promote educational pedagogies which make every child say, “I have better ideas, I am talented, skilled and creative!” and develop educators who would say “I wish to work miracles with my students.” Our endeavor has been to create an environment that will enlighten, encourage, and inspire the dreams of the students and the faculty who enter the portals of Wisdom Root Public School, aspiring to be future leaders in their interest areas with new ideas and innovations. Our infrastructure provisions are such that it develops the ability to become the producers of knowledge instead of just being consumers of knowledge.

We tap into the potential of students and foster creativity by providing them the necessary toolsto make most of their learning experiences productive and inculcate critical skills needed to be future entrepreneurs and employers. Our good practices help teachers to set realistic goals at all levels to give positive reinforcement at every step of a child. We encourage constant interaction among the students, teachers, parents and the community to gain an understanding and develop rapport which creates quality learning environment.

We would be most honored to be partners in meeting your aspiration.

Gaurav Chandrakar

It is said that the quality of your life depends on one thing - freedom. Freedom is the basic foundation which gives you the choice, the choice to have an option, the choice to have an identity, the choice to lead
the life the way you want to; and ultimately this all boils down to the education you choose to receive in your life. All over the world today, there is a cry for a new world order, a new life; cry from souls seeking peace and their hearts full of aspirations for a better future. Today, a new age is dawning and it is freedom that will open the door to a new age. A complete education in today's modern times addresses the whole student, enabling him or her to make decisions based on knowledge and skills and in support of social and moral values. Hence, as educators and school leaders, our core responsibility is to provide an environment that engages our students in learning. Such an environment does not result simply from putting in place particular physical features, although these contribute an environment for learning. Rather ,it results from attending to the behaviours and attitudes behind these and also the values behind such attitudes- that foster learning . Another way of saying this is that an environment for learning is the result of a culture for learning- and such a culture is the result of everything we do, think and believe.

The highest form of living is to live freely, with a clear conscience. A clear conscience dear children, comes only when you have nothing to hide and nothing to avoid. Then only you have nothing to fear. So have a transparent life. Attain freedom by embracing the purity of truth, by being the best in whatever you do and by growing in maturity and deepening your faith in the positivity of life.

Education and freedom go hand in hand transforming the lives of both the teachers and the students. Education is the movement from the darkness of slavery to the freedom of light. It gives the power to explore, challenge and change the world. But with liberty comes the burden of exercising it rightly and wisely. Ultimately universal brotherhood springs from freedom of education and equality. A closed educational system will not allow the freedom of growing and maturing. So, children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.
L. C. Chandrakar
Joint Director

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